CHILDPOTENTIAL ------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------- 

Childpotential Founder

About violence...


There is still a lot to do and at the same time we have made a lot of progress in terms of children's rights.

Questioning the origin of violence is as important as taking measures and voting laws.

In Western countries, violence is either considered "normative", educational, traditional,

either deviant, delinquent, criminal.

Neuroscience has recently discovered the localization in the brain of a dysregulation that triggers impulsive use of the hand.

Taking all these aspects into account will allow us to better understand and regulate violence.



Sur la violence...


Il y a encore énormément à faire et en même temps nous avons accompli beaucoup de progrès en matière des droits de l'enfant.

S'interroger sur l'origine de la violence est aussi important que de prendre des mesures et voter des lois.

Dans les pays occidentaux, la violence est soit considérée "normative",  éducative, traditionnelle,

soit déviante, délinquante, criminelle.

Les neurosciences ont découvert récemment la localisation dans le cerveau d'un dérèglement qui déclenche  l'usage impulsif de la main.

Prendre en compte tous ces aspects nous permettrons de mieux appréhender et réguler la violence.


AGENDA--------------------  November 2019 : High Level    Conference, children's rights, Council of Europe 
- JUNE 2018 : High Level Conference, children's rights,  Monaco government   Invitation of Childpotential Founder by   Son Altesse Caroline

- MAY 2018 : High Level Conference, children's rights,    Malta government,    Invitation of Childpotential Founder by   President of Malta



- November 2022 : EU BIK (Digital)


- September 2022 : European Commision Forum


June 2022 : High Level Conference End Violence partnership, Governments, United Nations


- Dec 2021 :  Globol Forum


- Oct 2020 : EU Commission Forum


- November 2019 : Finland Presidency, High

Level Conference


- November 2019 : United Nations, 30th    

  Anniversary of Children Rights Convention


-  November 2019 : High Level Conference,          children's rights,

   Council of Europe



- JUNE 2018 : High Level Conference,                    children's rights,

   Monaco government

   Invitation of Childpotential Founder by

   Son Altesse Caroline



- MAY 2018 : High Level Conference,       children's      rights, 

  Malta government, 

  Invitation of Childpotential Founder by

  President of Malta


Creation of a new platform for Neurodiverse youth :

Creative Diversity



The project wishes in all recruitment process the following engagement :

"We are an equal opportunities employer, who believes that diversity is good for our people and our business.  We encourage all suitably qualified and eligible candidates to apply regardless of their gender identity/expression, age, racial, ethnic and cultural background, religion and beliefs, sexual orientation/identity, disability or neurodiversity." as in the European Investment Bank