CHILDPOTENTIAL ------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------- 

 Project No violence to Neurodiverse children 

According to a British Study, 2 out of 7 children are Neurodiverse. But most of them are not identified.


Children with a neuro-developmental particularity are in great suffering, since not accepted due to their differences, with special undetected abilities. They suffer mainly from psychological violence,  as well as physical . They develop psychosomatic troubles, damaging their development.

International research departments have identified physiological aspects and defined categories of children's neurological development.


We include in this project :

 Dyslexia, dysphasia, dyspraxia, dysorthographia, precocity, heterogeneous HP , AD-H-D, those we call A-HP (High potential with autistic tendancy), double situations...

 They are children with special needs. In this project, they are not deficient.



 International Institutions have published texts :  "Declaration on the "dys" crimination and social exclusion of "dys" children by the European Parliament (Article 116) ,  with the "Recommendation 1248 of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe" for precocity/HP.

These texts are too rarely followed.




 The aim of the project "Childpotential" is for all European and world countries  :


 - A prohibition of violence to Neurodiverse children, 

- A  systematic early diagnosis before primary school (included in the compulsory medical check up),

- An immediate adapted response with healthy practices and parents leading to the need of each category ,

- Training and information for professionals close to children (medical doctors, teachers).

 - A clear acknowledgement from all International Institutions, of a status of « Childpotential » and Difference, Neurodiversity, as their specific needs.

 - Development of Research should be supported, as real statistics,


- Integrating the mention of "Diversity" in all recruitment process



 Stopping violence and suffering is a priority;  but we can also consider the contribution to the whole of society, because we need the creativity and potential of all children.



 The project Childpotential was created in 2017 (elected best project in the Franco-Austrian Chamber of Commerce)

The INGO is an independant expert of Council of Europe






























































































UiO University of Oslo

Dr Jørgen Smedsrud



P6_TA(2007)0506- Tuesday 13 November 2007


Declaration of the European Parliament on ‘dys’crimination and social exclusion affecting children with ‘dys’abilities
The European Parliament,
— having regard to Rule116 of its Rules of Procedure,
A. whereas, according to estimates more than 10% of children are affected each year by one or other ‘dys’type disability such as dysphasia, dyspraxia, dyslexia, dyscalculia or attention deficit disorder, etc., and whereas the statistics on these disorders need to be refined,
B. whereas this type of ‘dys’ability, which badly impairs communication from a very early age, goes unidentified in many Member States,
C. whereas research into these ‘dys’abilities, including research coordinated under the Seventh Framework Programme, must be stepped up,
D. whereas the only way to prevent ‘dys’crimination against affected children is to give them early, intensive and multidisciplinary treatment in appropriate structures (either in the normal school environment with appropriate special care, or in a specialised establishment),
1. Asks the Commission and the Council:
— to draw up a charter for ‘dys’ children,
— to encourage the recognition of ‘dys’-type problems as disabilities,
— to promote best practices regarding: — making information accessible, — taking timely steps to identify, screen, systematically diagnose and treat these disorders at an early stage, — designing effective learning structures within both the ordinary and the specialist educational environment for young children, adolescents and young adults, — adapting structures for integrating young people with these disabilities into the world of work, — to promote and encourage the creation of a European multidisciplinary network on specific learning difficulties, and by this means to collect and study information and promote the coordination of cross-border actions, as well as institutional dialogue;
2. Instructs its President to forward this Declaration, together with the names of the signatories, to the Council, the Commission and the parliaments of the Member States: